Change Your Life

"I have been told that an adventure is part of a human's living spirit - the thrill comes from new experiences, encounters with different faces. I have finally conquered my thirst for adventure by coming to an exciting new place rich in culture. I now understand what students mean when they say studying abroad will change your life."
~Danielle Pramick

Thursday, February 5, 2009

llevame a Sevilla....

Since high school I've had a passion for the Spanish language. I had always done well in my Spanish courses and dreamed to one day be able to speak fluently. I knew the best and most likely only way I would be able to achieve that goal was to immerse myself in a Spanish speaking country, and I chose to do that by studying abroad in Seville, Spain.

When I left for Spain at the end of August, 2007 I had no idea what was awaiting me on the other side of the ocean. It was my first time out of the country and I was traveling alone and I couldn't have been more excitied! Upon my arrival to Sevilla, I realized I was missing two very important things.... my luggage! Luckily I had my most important items in my carry-on, including two additional outfits. My luggage didn't arrive for what seemed like the longest two weeks of my life, but once they were returned to me everything from then on was smooth sailing.

My semester abroad was the best experience of my life. Sevilla to me now is my second home, and my only regret was not studying abroad for the year. I plan to one day go back to visit my senora, the woman who took care of me and spoiled me with delicious food everyday, as well as my dear friend Pablo. I would have been there and back already, the only thing holding me es el dinero!!

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