Change Your Life

"I have been told that an adventure is part of a human's living spirit - the thrill comes from new experiences, encounters with different faces. I have finally conquered my thirst for adventure by coming to an exciting new place rich in culture. I now understand what students mean when they say studying abroad will change your life."
~Danielle Pramick

Monday, March 3, 2008

For all the Beer Connoisseurs

While I was out to dinner with my friends this weekend, I looked down at my icy cold glass of Miller Lite. I do enjoy Miller Lite, "old faithful" as I like to call it, however I couldn't help but miss the wide variety of great Belgian beers I sampled while living in Brussels. Since Belgium is known for its beer, and the locals take the subject very seriously, one of the first things I learned when I arrived is that every Belgian beer is served in its own special glass.

My personal favorite of all the Belgian beers was the golden ale Duvel:

A close second was Leffe Blonde:

Followed by Chimay:

During my first week in Brussels, our group was taken on a tour of the last operating brewery in Brussels, the Cantillon Brasserie. It is a family-owned brewery, opened in 1900, that brews lambic beers such as kriek (cherry-flavored beer) and gueuze (a more acidic beer). We got to see the entire brewing process, from the storage of wheat, barley, and hops, to the brew kettle, to the cooling tun, to the barrels used for aging, and finally to the store shelf. My tour guide at the Cantillon Brasserie described the process as if it were an art form. During my five month stay in Brussels, I learned that beer is an integral part of Belgian culture, and it was also an important part of my experience in Belgium.

Posted by: Jen, Brussels , Spring 2007

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