Change Your Life

"I have been told that an adventure is part of a human's living spirit - the thrill comes from new experiences, encounters with different faces. I have finally conquered my thirst for adventure by coming to an exciting new place rich in culture. I now understand what students mean when they say studying abroad will change your life."
~Danielle Pramick

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Freiburg Dancing

After viewing Brad's post of the "Where is Matt?" video, I knew I had seen something similar somewhere before. As it turns out, the employees of a magazine local to Freiburg im Breisgau made a tribute video with scenes from around Freiburg, instead of scenes from around the world. We were shown this video clip at our first orientation meeting.

Around 1:53, you'll see a guy dancing in a little steam called "Bächle." These are Freiburg's medieval drainage system, and the local legend is that if you ever step in one, you'll marry a Freiburger. Apparently this guy is either already married to one, or really, really wants to!

Now, where can I learn them dance moves?

-- Posted by Dave, IES EU Program, Fall 2007

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