Change Your Life

"I have been told that an adventure is part of a human's living spirit - the thrill comes from new experiences, encounters with different faces. I have finally conquered my thirst for adventure by coming to an exciting new place rich in culture. I now understand what students mean when they say studying abroad will change your life."
~Danielle Pramick

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

State Pattys Day

This past weekend was Penn State's newest official holiday... State Patty's Day. Studying abroad in London last semester I missed the first annual holiday. I definitely made up for it this year, green beer and all. Nevertheless, the whole day I could not stop feeling somewhat nostalgic and even made a few phone calls to friends I met while abroad.

Last March I was lucky enough to spend St. Patrick's Day in Dublin, Ireland. I took the Sail-Rail from London to Wolverhampton to Dublin. The day long, freezing journey was well worth the experience. I definitely recommend everyone who studies in the UK use the National Rail and have the opportunity travel on Titanic like ferries.

We stayed in a hostel right in downtown Dublin and spent the whole weekend exploring the city. We went to Dublin Castle, Dublin University, the oldest pub in Dublin, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and got lost down every street we could. As well, we hit up the Guinness Factory. We sampled as much Guinness as we could, learned about the process of making Guinness, and finally learned the science of pouring the perfect pint!

On March 17th, we woke up and went to the famous St. Patrick's Day Parade. Standing in a crowd of thousands we found the only bar serving pints of Guinness. It was a breakfast for champions!! We spent the day traveling to and from bars and meeting as many local Irish people as we could. Of course we had a pint at the famous Temple Bar (I even bought a shirt). Those two days in Dublin were some of the best times I had while abroad!!

Dublin, Ireland 2007

State College, Pa 2008

Much like my Saturday in State College, Dublin is filled with amazing memories and drunken moments with my best friends. I tell everyone I know to try to make it to Dublin, especially for St Patrick's Day!!! Just don't forget to book your hostel well ahead of time.

Posted by Alison M., London, Spring 2007

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