Change Your Life

"I have been told that an adventure is part of a human's living spirit - the thrill comes from new experiences, encounters with different faces. I have finally conquered my thirst for adventure by coming to an exciting new place rich in culture. I now understand what students mean when they say studying abroad will change your life."
~Danielle Pramick

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fiori di Zucca

Last summer, I studied abroad in Todi, Italy, with 22 other Penn State students. Todi is a picturesque Umbrian town in the heart of Italy, only about 2 hours from Rome and Perugia. For the entire length of the program, we lived with local host families in Todi. My host family's house was situated on a farm surrounded by vineyards, sunflower fields and hills covered with pine trees; and living there was truly amazing!
One of the best things about living with a host family in Italy was getting to eat AUTHENTIC Italian food. My host mom, Gabriella, was one of the best cooks on the program and the great thing was that she would even teach us how to make those dishes. Whenever she was preparing a new dish or a dish she knew we particularly liked, she would call us into the kitchen so that we could see how she was doing it.
One of my favorite recipes from the trip was Fried Zucchini Flowers. Now, I didn't even know that a zucchini plant had flowers, least of all that they were edible. Fiori di Zucca or Zucchini flowers are these bright yellow, almost golden, blossoms that grow on the end of baby zucchinis. They are very perishable and have to be used fresh, the day they are bought. These blossoms, when dipped in a batter and fried, make delicious crispy appetizers. People in Italy eat them in other ways also, like stuffed with ricotta cheese or even as pizza topping.
It's hard to find zucchini flowers at grocery stores here. So when I came back home, after the program, I planted some zucchini in my garden. But I knew that even if I did manage to grow them at home, I wouldn't be able to repeat the experience; and that's something I really miss from my summer study abroad in Italy!
Posted by Vrinda, Todi, Italy

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