Change Your Life

"I have been told that an adventure is part of a human's living spirit - the thrill comes from new experiences, encounters with different faces. I have finally conquered my thirst for adventure by coming to an exciting new place rich in culture. I now understand what students mean when they say studying abroad will change your life."
~Danielle Pramick

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Independence day in Mallorca

The 4th of July in Palma de Mallorca (a small island of the coast of Spain) was definitely the most interesting one that I’ve ever celebrated. All eleven students on the program crowded onto the roof of one of the apartment buildings we were staying in, and the Madre’s (host mothers) threw us their version of a 4th of July barbecue complete with red, white and blue streamers (I have no idea where they found these) hotdogs, pizza, and champagne. Then after dinner and some festivities, they passed out copies of the Declaration of Independence to everyone… in Spanish. We took terms reading aloud fumbling through all the Spanish words we had never heard of, much to the delight of all of the madres. We ended the evening at an American themed bar called Hogan’s, where I think heard the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s song Dani California at least 5 times.

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